
Amazingly brave adoptees who are here to share their voices with you…

Kelly St Claire

Adoptee, Artist, Writer Coach

Kelly St Claire is an adoptee living in Richmond, Va. She is an online health and fitness coach, body-confidence advocate, art journalist, creative writer, living room dancer and beauty/hair stylist. She loves her two grown children and lives with 2 black cats and her floofy Great Pyrenees.

Kristen Weatherford

Adoptee, Blog Writer

Kirsten was born and immediately relinquished for adoption in Pennsylvania in 1971. She has spent the last ten years unraveling what that means. It is a never-ending journey with no clear road map. She has been in reunion with her first mom since 2017. Kirsten currently resides in Montana and is grateful for the technology that has allowed her to connect with other adoptees.

Mariela Andersen

Adoptee, Storyteller, Writer

Adopted as an infant from Colombia and raised in the United States, Mariela Andersen has always been curious about her biological roots. She wants to know about her birth family and wonders if they ever think about her. When a search agent helps her locate her birth family and the mystery of her past is revealed, she discovers more than she could have ever imagined.

Find her book and order it here!

Rae K

Adoptee, Recovery Coach, Writer

Rae is a domestic adoptee and recovery coach for survivors of addiction, adoption and abuse. Poetry allows her to explore her voice and give language to the adoption experience.

For more of her work, find her on instagram @adoptee_reclaimed

Shannon Marzella

Adoptee, Writer, Poet

Shannon Marzella is a writer of poetry and creative fiction. She lives in Connecticut with her husband and two children. Shannon loves spending time outside, hiking with her family, yoga, and meditation. She has used poetry to understand and heal the trauma she has experienced being an adopted person.

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